This Pregnancy is So Different
Wow it's been a long time since I last wrote in this blog. Life has been busy with Vitality, raising Sloane and now getting ready for...
So I Bought a Training Studio
I never wanted to be a stay at home mom. Never. The thought never even crossed my mind. I did know that one benefit to owning my own...
Update - Sorry it's been a while
Wow, I just realized it's been 4 months since I last wrote in my blog. That's pretty sad, but life sure has been busy. So get this - I...
Pelvic Floor Issues
So as I said in my previous post, I am dealing with some pain. I did everything "right" during pregnancy - or as right as I could with my...
Adjustments and Annoyance
I just realized that it's been almost a month since I last wrote. I guess it's safe to say that life has been busy - although that's the...
I Need To Make a Choice
A pet peeve of mine is being late. I hate that rushed feeling of knowing I am going to be late for an appointment or meeting a friend, so...
The Stages in Life are Our Stories
I posted this on my social media a couple days ago. I got a lot of compliments from people or encouraging words on how I will get my body...
Last week was national breastfeeding week. I don't know about you, but I saw a lot of pictures and posts regarding it on my social media...
Common Issues Does Not Mean they are Normal
A couple months after I got certified as a personal trainer, a friend got pregnant and asked me to find out information for her on how to...
Worry. While pregnant, I was worried that I would never be able to fit into all my favorite clothes again (I know it wasn't the end of...