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Hiking While Pregnant is Way Tougher

We are lucky here in Colorado. The weather has been pretty amazing this whole winter. This past weekend felt like early summer. I went out hiking both days. It was so nice to be outside, surrounded by the sunshine. But I have to say, it's SO much harder hiking while pregnant. I know why this is, but man I am SO much slower than I was last year. These hikes aren't usually that difficult, but it feels a lot harder. Granted, I have gained a bit of weight in a short period of time, so I am not fully used to carrying it around. Not to mention all the relaxin hormones in my body is making my ankles give out of me or me to trip over rocks. I am not complaining, just being aware of what's going on around me. I am thankful that I am feeling great and have been able to go hiking.

I also was outside pushing a workout sled the other morning, weighting 165 pounds and it felt great! Hiking, spin class, and the sled has helped fill the void of not running for me. It's a good challenge, gets my heart rate up without the high impact to my pelvic floor.

I know I am lucky to not have swollen ankles or anything else as of right now. I did have a rough 1st trimester that took a while into the 2nd trimester to feel a lot better. I don't know how much longer this will last, now that I have entered into my 3rd trimester, but I am taking advantage of it while I can. I do think that being able to workout consistently has helped feel so good. It's kept my circulation good and has made me feel good. Even when I don't formally exercise, I try to move. My FitBit is set to 10,500 steps a day and I make sure to meet or pass that every day. Sure, somedays it's harder to do that, but my dog helps me achieve that since she "demands" walks twice at a day.

On a side note, I bought sour patch kids jelly beans yesterday from the store. I like Sour Patch Kids so I thought they could be delicious. They were disappointing! The sourness of them is powder, not the crystals as on the traditional sour patch kid, so they make a mess on your pants for when you wipe your hands off on them. In spite of not really enjoying them, I ate about 75% of the bag yesterday. I was on the computer working and mindlessly couldn't stop eating them. I did pay for it though. The baby was flipping all around from the amount of sugar and my belly hurt pretty badly. So yup, don't buy them! And I will not be eating jelly beans for a long time. Hopefully I don't screw up my glucose test tomorrow by eating all that sugar yesterday!

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