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This is Me - Unfiltered

Hey guys. I wanted to tell you about myself and my goals for my clients. Sure- I am fit and strong, but I still have "problem" areas. I have parts of my body that I wish would change. I dread having to wear a bathing suit, especially when people I know are going to be around. Regardless of what I do, I do not look like those fitness models you see in magazines or on tv and you know what? That's okay with me. I know I am healthy and strong and the lifestyle I have is sustainable.

I do love to exercise - it doesn't matter what kind it is. I am willing to try just about anything and usually the sweatier I am at the end of it, the more I enjoy it. I eat healthy most of the time, but I definitely have a sweet tooth (specifically yummy, baked goods). I am a carb girl, although I have cut out most of the processed carbs from my diet. I love pizza (NY/NJ only), bacon and Dunkin Donuts coffee. I mean, who doesn't?

Through the years, I have tried the majority of the "fads" - both diet and exercise. I've been suckered into buying the "potential" quick fix of exercise programs/nutrition plans, promising only [insert number here] weeks until a bikini body. I've tried a variety of diets and exercise plans. I've used a personal trainer and nutritionist. When, I became a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I learned a lot of the proper way to exercise and eat. Even still, whenever I see ads for a quick fix, my female dumbness kicks in and I'm at least intrigued.

I guess my point is that I'm just like you. I'm not scary or intimidating looking with my ripped arms and deep voice. I'm not perfect in any way (just ask Chris, my husband), so you don't have to feel guilty telling me you ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich over the weekend (which, by the way, is my favorite food for when I get to the top of a mountain summit). I have days when I'd rather clean my house than exercise (which for the record, I despise cleaning - almost as much as cooking). I order take out because there is nothing to eat in my 'fridge. I'm normal - just like you!

My goal is to help you be able to do all the things you love or want to do. Whether it's playing with your kids or grandkids, gardening, hiking, riding bikes, simply walking around while traveling...the list can go on. I want you to be strong and healthy and feel confident in the body you are in. I am not going to try and get you that perfect bikini body because I don't have one and I don't think you really want that. My focus is not on what you weigh, rather it's on how you feel in your clothes. Sure, I want you to be a healthy weight and body fat %, but what's more important is how you feel doing your daily activities. I want you to never say I can't do something again, rather I want you to say I can or I did it.

So this is me. If you are ready to become stronger, healthier, and more confident, I would love to be your personal trainer and nutrition coach! [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

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