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Benefits of Training at a Private Studio

Gyms get crowded. For those who have ever worked out at a gym, you know what I am talking about. It is much worse at the end of Dec/Jan, but they are still crowded the rest of the year, especially during prime workout times (before work, during lunch, and after work). The equipment you need is being used by someone else, there is no room over by the mat area where you want to do core work, only huge guys are by the free weight section.

A private studio is not that! One benefit of being trained by me (or any other personal trainer who trains out of a private studio) is the privacy! It’s just you and me...or maybe another trainer and their client.

You don’t have to worry about being intimidated by the other people working out and their grunting.

You don’t have to share equipment or be grossed out about using a piece of equipment that a super sweaty guy just finished using and didn’t wipe it down.

You don’t have to worry if you are wearing tready fitness gear (trust me - I don’t care) or what people will think of you if you look like a hot, sweaty mess with your hair sticking out all over the place (or maybe that’s just how I look every time I workout).

I select the music you like to workout to.

We can talk or we can be silent. It is up to whatever you prefer.

I think it is a much better experience than being trained at a large, loud, crowded gym where you and the trainer have to practically yell at each other to be heard. Why not try it?!

If you or someone you know is interested in having a personal trainer at a private studio, please contact me and I would love to sit down and talk to them about their fitness goals 720-722-4008 or

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