I'm Traveling - What Exercises Can I Do
So many people have to travel for their jobs. But please don’t use it as an excuse not to exercise. Some hotels have fitness centers that you can use, with at least the basic pieces of equipment (treadmill, bike, full body resistance machine, etc). Resistance bands, glider discs, circle bands are all light- weight and small that you can bring with you on travel. However, you don’t need a fitness center or any equipment at all to get a good workout in, regardless of where you are. There are plenty of body weight exercises that will give you a great workout with very little space needed.
Do 20 reps of each exercise, with minimum rest in between. Rest 1-2 minutes after completion of the circuit. Repeat for a total of 2-3 times through.
Circuit 1 - For the more beginner exerciser:
Dips - using counter/bed/chair
Bicycle Crunches (20 each side)
Alternating Forward lunges (20 each)
Pushups (Incline, modified, or regular)
Standing Side leg Raises (20 each side)
Up to 1 min plank hold while alternating lifting legs
Sumo squats
30 sec each side plank hold
Donkey Kicks (20 each side)
Circuit 2 - For the more advanced exerciser:
Jump Squats (land softly so you don’t disturb lower level neighbors)
Dips - using counter/bed/chair
Slow Bicycle Crunches (20 each side)
Alternating Forward and Back Lunges (10 each - each leg)
Press Up Pushups (lower all the way to the ground and lift hands off ground, then push back up)
Skaters (20 each side)
Plank Jacks
Sumo squats on toes
Plank Up/Down
Side Plank Hold with Top Leg Crunch (20 each side)
If you don’t know what a particular exercise is, please let me know and I’ll send you a video. Comment on my facebook page with what you think of the workout .