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What if you could tighten and tone your booty in time for spring

- no crowded gym or equipment needed?

Challenge yourself to Work Your Booty for 7 Days


Iceland 2016

Are you tired of your jeans not fitting right or the way your backside looks in them? Or of your knee or hip pain? All of that may be fixed by working those booty muscles.


In this FREE 7-day challenge, you'll tighten and tone that booty with a daily 8 minute workout routine that can be done anywhere. You will also be given simple healthy tips to incorporate into habits that will leave you feeling more energetic and unstoppable in your body and life. You in?

Let’s get YOU feeling more confident in time for spring!


Tighten Your Booty

Gain Energy

Establish Healthier Habits

Say YES to being stronger and healthier. 7 days is nothing! You CAN do this!


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