The challenge will run from November 20 - December 24.
It will utilize a point system for the different nutrition and movement challenges you will have. Click here for the challenge rules.
The challenges aren't too difficult and you might already be doing most or all of them, so don't be afraid to commit - some include water intake, eating fruits and vegetables, exercising for 20 minutes a day.
The challenge cost is $15 for the 5 weeks.
Challenge includes:
2 - 20 minute workouts every week for all fitness levels
Daily goals to reach with nutrition and exercise
A different weekly goal to reach geared towards your health
Weekly point tracking emails
Private Facebook page for motivation, sharing, recipes (or email if you don't have facebook)
A chance to win $$ just in time for Christmas. The winner of this challenge will receive half of the money collected from all participants. There will be additional prizes for the runners up.
****Select Return to Merchant when you complete your payment and enter your name and email address to be automatically added to the challenge list. Note: You should receive an email from me via AWeber welcoming you to the challenge as soon as you enter your information. Make sure to check your spam folder for this if you don't see it. ****
The holidays are a time of family, thankfulness and joy, but it's also a time of gorging on food, being too busy to exercise and too many parties, candy and desserts.

I'd like to help encourage you to be mindful of how you are fueling and moving your body during this time. Plus, a little competition with a chance to win some money or other prizes doesn't hurt.